Awesome friends telling other awesome friends what is up in the Library, specifically, the second floor balcony facing the parking lot.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Wait, who was in the Library?

A common blog topic by Rick Baleros last year on "The Adventures of Rick and Tarra" were people he would happen upon in the library whilst studying. I have not done much of that this year.

Until now.

But why now you ask?

Because. This is someone that is
noteworthy to be in the library.

I will admit, this person was also in the library yesterday.

However, I did not have my computer with me and was unable to snap a photo with this individual outside of his natural setting.


Who is this creature I speak of?


Oh isn't he so hammsome?

Sorry. I just had to.

I'm not going to lie, it was quite weird when he suggested a trek to the library after breakfast. But I did no deny for I knew this would be one of my few chances to actually get a photo with him while he was actually here. In my second home. How glorious.

Oh library how I missed you so due to Thanksgiving break. However, I am back, and ready to learn!

Hope everyone had a glorious Thanksgiving break, and are excited for one more week of school, dead week-which, you can be sure you will see several blogs during the course of dead week-finals, and eventually Christmas break! EEPY EEPY!

Own it!
Madison Delaney Blake

Monday, November 22, 2010


This has to be by far the latest Zack and I have both been in the library

at the same time.

Its weird.

Check out how much he has spread his wings!

Everything you see is his.

Which is probs about half of the section between the two blue columns
On the second floor balcony facing the parking lot.

While I was at work, there were about 10 villa guys, and 1 girl, that walked through the library in tennis shoes, villa scarves
and their skivvies.
I was confused.

Is that even allowed?

I bet there was some shrinkage......

No doubt.

There may have been snow tonight. HOWEVER!
I have been in the library since 2:00.

You do the math. (thats 9 hours).

New record?
Not quite.
But i'm getting there!

Guess I better get back to work.

Own it!

Madison Delaney Blake

P.S. Zack is a really intense highlighter. His face is so serious.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

no way.

It's been too long, and you know what though? I'm kind of alright with it. I definitely miss writing on this blog, which is no longer titled The Adventures of Rick and Tarra. Trust me, if it was still titled that, Zack and Madison would be having some serious identity issues ;)

Seriously though, it's been quite some time since I last wrote, and I do apologize to all of you out there for not having written, but let me tell you a little something-something.

I've barely gone into the library this semester. Let alone go in when it's around the time of 8 PM - 12 AM, which all of you from last year know those were the sweet hours in which you'd see Tarra and me there.

This semester has been a bittersweet one in that I don't spend much time in the library anymore. I have found other places to study and do work without getting as distracted as I did. Take my word though, I definitely miss the library and the adventures that Tarra and I had. That was the thing though, those were adventures were the ones I had with Tarra. I find it so fitting that Madison and Zack are having their own adventures in the library. In fact, I like the idea of the blog having been "passed" down to former readers of The Adventures of Rick and Tarra.

In all honesty, it's kind of like through the original blog Tarra and I were able to let people know that the library isn't just a dull place to study. It's a place where adventures can happen. It's cheesy, but it's true.

So, to Madison and Zack!! Let your adventures being ... well actually .... let your adventures continue!

PS. I was in the library the other day and caught myself in a few pictures with Madison. It's nice to be a reader now ;)

Friday, November 19, 2010

Hello? Can anyone hear me?

I want you to do me a solid and take a look at this picture. DO IT!

Do you see that?

There is no one on the balcony!


Well there is one person. And thats me.


Its Friday.

At 8:30 am.

The morning after the midnight premiere of Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows.

I'll see it eventually.

However. I had a test.

Hence, the reason i'm currently sitting on the second story balcony.

Of the Library.

At 8:30 am

On a Friday.

Did I mention its Friday.


Madison Delaney Blake

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Like A Little

Madison and I have been reunited... and it feels soo good! She's being productive.. and I've been on facebook for two hours.... I have been chatting with people, and not creeping.. so I'm not too upset about it.

On a different note, Madison and I just had some fun with the Like A Little website for UP, what a great way to relax, creep, and pray you find a post that could be you!! I think I'll be productive now... I cant wait :D

by the way. its raining. and the pc's outnumber the macs on the balcony. and some people are in our spot.. ughh.

Keep it real friends!


Tuesday, November 16, 2010




I don't know if you can see the distance.

But there is.

Its because I am an incubus of viral plague.


This may deserve the sad panda box I added.....

Madison Delaney Blake

Its crowded... too crowded.

So I am on the balcony... and its intense. 10 people. 9 computers. 7 macs. 4 water bottles. 2 guys. and only one person actually being productive... and that's the girl without the computer.. hahaha

I have been in the library working on my paper for Dr. Dempsey's prophets course... it has been a killer! Now I get to take some time and revise, ReVIse, REVISE! While listening to Disney music, because there is no other way to talk about conflict in the Bible through the eyes of the prophets...

Also a fun fact, I haven't chilled with Madison in the library in ages... its horrible! I'm sleeping, she's here.. She's working, I'm here... it is a horrible pattern that needs to be fixed... hopefully tonight will be the night!

Alrighty, back to Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Habakkuk, Micah, and Zephaniah. I'll tell them you said hello!

Enjoy your day folks!


8:10 am

Since it is in fact 8 in the morning and no one is awake, there is no better time than now to write a blog.

Oh hey, its 8:12 in the morning and I'm in the library on a Tuesday. Why?

Well, I'll tell you.

Every semester, all of the circulation workers sign up for hours for the next semester, usually right after registration. I wanted to get good hours, and avoid evenings due to the fact that I haven't been sleeping. I have succeeded in my task. I arrived at 7:30 when the library opened, which surprisingly there were quite a few people waiting to get in. It reminded me of an instance in which I had to buy some yarn one morning before I went to breakfast before one of my AP tests in high school. Joanne fabrics opens at 9am. And let me tell you, at 8:45, there were old ladies lining up by the dozen. But it gets better. When the clock struck nine, and the doors had yet to be opened, there were ladies pounding on the door to get let in. Its as if it was there only mission in life was to get into Joanne Fabrics on a Saturday morning at 9am. But wait, there is more. After they had been let in, they went the speed of molasses walking around the store, in search of nothing in particular.

I always wonder who owns that yellow bug in the parking lot. Every time I sit in our spot on the second floor balcony facing the parking lot, the yellow VW Beetle sticks out among all the rest, mostly because all of the cars are either a muted color like silver, beige, or black, or something dull, like light blue or white. I also feel I used muted wrong. Oh well, this is my blog, and I can use adjectives how I want, especially at 8 in the morning on a Tuesday.

I'd say that was quite a tangent, don't you?

ANYWAY! I am quite thrilled to report, the only day that I am working even remotely late is on Tuesdays from 4-8, which I have absolutely no problem with because 8pm is not 12am. =D

Did I mention there is only one other person on the balcony at this time? Its quite nice. I have my dirty chai-when my mom heard that she said that sounded disgusting-disney/avatar soundtrack music, and behavioral neuroscience. Add on that I have a cold, had no sleep and have to study for behavioral neuroscience, and I think it just might weigh out to neutral.

Oh yeah, that was a good stretch. You missed it. =D

So for all of you blog readers, aside from sleep, what is your favorite thing to do at 8 in the morning?

Keep it real. Own it.
Madison Delaney Blake

Saturday, November 13, 2010


Bet you can't guess where I am right now. No. I am actually not in the library. Suprisingly. Here is the story.

At 12:30 I was on my way to the library, which then realized I didn't have the book I needed to study with so I stopped my Maggie May's appartment, at which point I was going to get coffee before studiously studying Behavioral Neuroscience. However, once I got just past Chiles, I realized I had forgotten my charger. To charge my dead computer. In order to take notes. So basically I would have been screwed had I not gone back to get it. So I started walking back, on the fields side sidewalk, of course. Realized, I don't want to have to walk all the way back to the Library, so walked in front of fields/padre and decided just to go to the anchor to get coffee, and then walked back and am currently being EXTREMELY unproductive for the last 3 hours in Joolia Magoolia's room. So far today I have addicted myself to likealittle high quality UP flirting, Smosh Taturdays, listening to Disney Songs, and checked Facebook several times, updating my status every 5 seconds.

Julia is convinced today was just not meant to be for homework. I guess I am starting to agree with her at the moment.

So. Whats up? How's life? Good?

You know what I don't like? When you are walking, you see someone you know, and they say hi, and you say hi, and they say how's it goin, and you say good, how are you, and they say good. But when they ask you, they honestly don't seem to care, unless they actually stop and talk, which no one has time to these days. I like stopping, giving the person a good, quality, personable, hug, and finding out how their day has actually gone. People are just to busy these days. I just want to have one big socializing day. No homework, no studying. No worries. Nothing. But then again I also want to live in a tree. Pipe dream though.

I also find it awkward when you wave to someone as they are coming out of the bathroom. Teehee. I don't give high fives. For obvious reasons......

I think thats all for now. Yay for library posts not in the library!


Madison Delaney Blake

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Rain. Rain. Rain.

Yes. It is in fact raining here. As it does most days throughout fall, winter, spring, and parts of summer. I guess you could say that Oregon has two seasons: Rain and More Rain. I personally have no problem with it, mostly because I have lived here for more than 19 years. However, there are some who don't accustom as well to it. I wonder what my co-auther thinks, since he is a Cali guy........

"California girls, we're undeniable, daisy dukes, bikinis on top. Fine, fresh, fierce, we've got it on lock. West coast represent, now put your hands up! Ooooh Oh Ooooh!"

Speaking of which, Zack, please don't ever wear daisy dukes. Its not right for men to do so. My neighbor did whenever he washed his semi truck. Ironic? Especially because his shorts were shorter then his wife's. Yeah, just let that image fester in your minds for a bit....Oh, and blogger also says your name is spelled wrong.

I've never actually been to California, but I hear it is nice. I also hear the smog is lovely and everyone digs the traffic. However, as wonderful as California sounds in all its glory that I have yet to see due to lack of opportunity, Oregon has many wonderful attributes as well.

1. Changing Leaves: oranges, red's, yellows. We also get the pleasure of jumping in them when they are dry and crunchy. I never miss an opportunity to become a 5 year old again.
2. GREEN!: I've seen some pretty dead places. The amount of life the color green brings to an area really has an impact on one's mood, community, and love of nature.
3. End of the Oregon Trail: Yes, I have to represent the fact that I'm from Oregon City, which also happens to be the end of the Oregon Trail.
4. University of Portland: which by the way, is kick ass. I mean come on, our school color is purple. =D

Can you think of what else makes Oregon awesome?

Own it!

Madison Blake
p.s. I am currently sitting on the second floor balcony facing, not the parking lot, but this odd painting that I cant tell if its a bunch of weird trees, or a city with its reflection in some water right below it. I hate it when you can't actually tell what something is.....

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

New Spot...

Life in the library is difficult considering I have been here for the better half of two hours and still have yet to do anything academic. I blame the change in scenery, from the lovely second pillar to the corner seat... its a tough day on the balcony.

Madison is looking semi-productive and she fed her caffeine addiction with a mocha chai latte with extra whip, non-fat, with no foam and its iced... wait.. I really have no clue what she got... I'm sure it sounds excellent!

I have class soon, so I'm hoping that I will be productive for the next little bit, and I'm hoping the person in my spot with a bright purple cast doesn't make that part of the balcony his home because I will need my productive spot back soon!

I thought the library was supposed to be a productive location, but today it hasn't been. I'll say hi to Public Relations for you!

All the best!
