Awesome friends telling other awesome friends what is up in the Library, specifically, the second floor balcony facing the parking lot.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Hello New York Public Library...

...we meet again! :)

Hi Library Lovers! It's Tarra, and I'm back with library adventures at the New York Public Library! YAY! You know you're excited too! ;)

Since I completed one of my internships on Monday, I have time to get back to the job search in one of my favorite places - you guessed it, the library!  The library keeps me more focused when it comes to getting stuff done as well as provides the proper seating area and hard surface to set up my work station.  Yes Rick, as I mentioned before, these tables are good for dancing on! haha

Man...taking pictures in the library is kinda awkward. haha Definitely more comfortable when you're at the UP library!

ANYWAY, it's time to get some work done. The library closes at 8 p.m. EDT, which means it really closes at 7:45 p.m. What?!

Hope you have a great Wednesday! Happy Hump Day! Woot! ;)

Friday, February 4, 2011

Library Lovers Month

Happy Library Lovers Month! I hope you all will take advantage of the wonderful Wilson Clark Memorial Library we have here on campus.

So for the last 4 days, I didn't have the slightest idea about how to write the first blog installment of this month. There are just so many things I love about the library, I couldn't choose just one. But then! An opportunity presented itself. In this weeks edition of The Beacon, one of the staff writers wrote a wonderful article professing her love for our near and dear Library that almost made me cry. =D

As you may already know, my favorite place in the library is the second floor balcony facing the parking lot. When no one is in my spot, it is a nice place to enjoy green soccer fields and without the hustle and bustle of the main entrance. However, its not as quiet and eery as the basement. Another one of my favorite places is white table just adjacent to the main doors in the reference area. Although much more distracting then the second floor balcony, when sitting there I know I will have the table all to myself, with no one sitting too awkwardly closing, which allows me to work on my studies in peace.

So I ask you this, those of you who read The Balcony Beat,
what is your favorite place in the library?

And as I have said before, take advantage of this building. It has so much character, so much history, I would hate for it to go to waste.

Keepin it real from the.......second floor study carols overlooking the pilot house? Change of venue.


Thursday, January 20, 2011

February February February

You can only wonder as to why I titled this blogpost February, when it is clearly still January. In fact, we still have 10 more days until it is February. HOWEVER, February is an amazing month.
Not only because it is black history month, or the month where people spend way too much money on those they love, ultimately contributing to the idea of a corporate holiday.

February is also.............
(Thank you Tarra McCurdy)

For a library lover, such as myself, this is the perfect opportunity for one to take pride in their local library, school library as I will, or even personal library, and make the most of it!
So, I have a plan.....
I hope I can follow through on this.
I hope to report each day of February as to why the library is an awesome place.
However, I can't do this alone.
So hopefully, my wonderful library friends and fellow editors, Zack, Tarra, and Rick will be up for contributing to this daily love for their library!
Because the library is definitely a place to love!


Own it.
Madison Blake

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Dear Library,

I find your quiet floor quite daunting. Even by typing I feel as though I am being a nuisance to those working diligently around me. Please stop being so quiet. Thank you.


P.S. I am trying to work diligently though. I just keep getting distracted by other things that are NOT my paper. Darn you Mark Zuckerberg. =(

Sunday, December 5, 2010


I'm just being productive.. listening to N'Sync's Christmas album... I feel like I am a 12 year old girl... but that's besides the point! I'm back in the original balcony spot and it feels so good! And there are a bunch of people in here! Its a little crazy... dead week is bringing people to the library... I almost hate them a little bit... I feel like they are imposing on my hangout.. JERKS!

Anyway, back to communication hw...


Sunday, November 28, 2010

Wait, who was in the Library?

A common blog topic by Rick Baleros last year on "The Adventures of Rick and Tarra" were people he would happen upon in the library whilst studying. I have not done much of that this year.

Until now.

But why now you ask?

Because. This is someone that is
noteworthy to be in the library.

I will admit, this person was also in the library yesterday.

However, I did not have my computer with me and was unable to snap a photo with this individual outside of his natural setting.


Who is this creature I speak of?


Oh isn't he so hammsome?

Sorry. I just had to.

I'm not going to lie, it was quite weird when he suggested a trek to the library after breakfast. But I did no deny for I knew this would be one of my few chances to actually get a photo with him while he was actually here. In my second home. How glorious.

Oh library how I missed you so due to Thanksgiving break. However, I am back, and ready to learn!

Hope everyone had a glorious Thanksgiving break, and are excited for one more week of school, dead week-which, you can be sure you will see several blogs during the course of dead week-finals, and eventually Christmas break! EEPY EEPY!

Own it!
Madison Delaney Blake

Monday, November 22, 2010


This has to be by far the latest Zack and I have both been in the library

at the same time.

Its weird.

Check out how much he has spread his wings!

Everything you see is his.

Which is probs about half of the section between the two blue columns
On the second floor balcony facing the parking lot.

While I was at work, there were about 10 villa guys, and 1 girl, that walked through the library in tennis shoes, villa scarves
and their skivvies.
I was confused.

Is that even allowed?

I bet there was some shrinkage......

No doubt.

There may have been snow tonight. HOWEVER!
I have been in the library since 2:00.

You do the math. (thats 9 hours).

New record?
Not quite.
But i'm getting there!

Guess I better get back to work.

Own it!

Madison Delaney Blake

P.S. Zack is a really intense highlighter. His face is so serious.