Awesome friends telling other awesome friends what is up in the Library, specifically, the second floor balcony facing the parking lot.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

PART TWO: The Memories

I could recap, but we already did that with our videos...

So here's some reflection of the blog...

Seventy-seven blogs later - 
it has come to this: the end.  

In February, Rick and I had this crazy idea of starting a blog about the library.  I know. It sounds like the most boring thing ever, but it actually turned into an interesting concept.  It might even have turned into something bigger for us.

I did not frequent the library prior to the making of this blog. I would occasionally go there to make posters for CPB, get a couple books for research (by a couple books...I really mean like a dozen or so), do Bib Trad research (because inevitably, you have to go to the library to do any research for that class), or just printing out articles and assignments for class.  Other than that, I really didn't actually study in the library because my room was actually an ample place to do homework. This year, that wasn't the case.

I really liked sitting on the balcony because let's face it, I'm a people watcher.  I don't deny it. That's kinda how this whole thing started.  Rick and I were sitting in the balcony, and we just wanted to say hi to our friends on the floor below.  Then somehow we came up with writing a blog. For some reason, I don't recall the connection between saying hi to friends and writing a blog. Oh worked.

Over the course of the semester, we would meet up in the library to write about our experiences and interactions in the library.  Some days were more exciting than others.  Some days were more productive academically than others as well.  I swear, I'm pretty sure there were times when we'd just come to the library for the sake of the blog.  Like we wouldn't do homework...we'd just come so that we could write something here. haha even within the last hour of the library being open...haha oh man...good times.

Basically the library became one of the 5 places that you could find me all semester. The other four were the ASUP Office, Fields, Commons, and Class.  Honestly, I was pretty predictable.  People always sent me texts asking if I was in the library or not (hence this blog post). There were other regulars, who I'll talk about in the next installment. ;)

But yeah, the library became a central place for Rick and me, and we created some lasting memories.  Here are my five favorite memories about the library in no particular order...

1. Closing time.
I never used to stay until closing time until last semester. It became habit, really. Nothing like spending every day in the library until midnight. Hahaha It also became custom to see how and when the library workers would tell us to leave, especially when they started closing the library at midnight instead of minutes before.

2. Crashing Computer (x2).
Gosh, those computers in the library! So one time I was working on my CPB weekly update with Sam on another computer.  Andrew kept coming by to talk to us, and it was actually pretty funny!  Rick was also there talking to me on FB chat even though he was on a computer not far from me, which kept freezing my computer! Bah! Another favorite funny moment was when I signed on to one of the computers in the morning and thought I signed out, but it turned out that I was still signed in well into the evening.  Lia actually used that computer and saved her chem report on my account! hahaha

3. Circle Table.
Although the balcony is still my favorite spot in the library, that little table in the corner was also an awesome place to study...and people watch! haha However, that shelf next to it sucked, making everyone who walked by feel all chub and what not.  Oh man...we never got to try dancing on that table...b/c it was sure sturdy enough for that! haha But yeah...sometimes people got to that table before Rick and I got there, so we would have to relocate which got exceedingly difficult especially when dead and finals week rolled around.  I don't think we returned to that table in the final weeks but it was fun while it lasted. :)

4. The Walk Back.
Rick and I would always cross the parking lot together after our time in the library.  Sometimes Madison would join us too.  The walk back to Fields was always so long - 1/2 mile. Sheesh.  When it rained, there would be a gigantic puddle in front of the library (Rick wrote about it), and we would always stumble upon (that stupid puddle)!  But yeah, on our way back, we'd sometimes see Ian, Adam, or whoever. One time, Andrew tried ramming his car into Madison and me in the pouring rain. Didn't even offer a ride...WTF? Apparently McDonalds was more important. ANYWAY, Rick and I often had good talks on this walk and then we would go our separate ways at our parting post by the baseball field.

5. The people.
This blog would be nothing if it wasn't for our friends, followers, and the library workers.  They are what made this blog so fun to write, especially as we recorded our countless interactions with them.  It just amazes me how our followers got so into it (still are)!  The next installment expands upon their awesomeness. :)

Stay tuned...

P.S. Sorry for all the writing and no pictures. I'll be sure to add some in the next one. :)


  1. "y (Rich wrote about it), and we would always stumble upon (that stupid"

    spell my name right! haha :P

  2. haha. no worries.

    I just re-read the blog. Speaking of the circle table and the chub shelf. The table has been moved a good 6 or so feet away from the shelf. I guess it wasn't just us that felt the same way. Or maybe some workers read our blog and decided to fix the problem :P

  3. I probably should not have mentioned anything abut the workers reading our blog and moving things around. They'll know we talk about them.

    Kind of like what I just did in this comment, haha.

  4. dude! i just got back! i'm working on it!
