Awesome friends telling other awesome friends what is up in the Library, specifically, the second floor balcony facing the parking lot.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Welcome to the Balcony

As a longtime library adventures follower, the lack of posts has truly decreased the amount of joy in my usual internet rounds.. So, I have decided to post, and post well, and post consistently. This blog will be transformed into an electronic medium in which lives will be changed. If this blog truly is life changing, I will be surprised, but I hope that our posts will be a welcome study break to our followers and hopefully it allows you to chuckle or giggle, whatever your preference.

I will not be able to do this alone, so my awesome friend Madison Blake and I will be rocking this blog all year long. We will be doing our thing and communicating the happens of the library, uploading sweet pics, and hopefully have an awesome time in the mecca of learning on the University of Portland campus.

Rick and Tarra, thanks for your work last year, it was awesome, and I hope that we can carry the torch to bigger and better heights!

So friends, welcome to the second half of first semester, its going to be a busy one... I hope that you will enjoy the revival of the blog and that you will come and visit Madison and I on the second floor balcony looking at the parking lot. And if you come up to the second floor and we aren't there, save seats, because we will probably be there soon.

Keep it real. Own it. Choose Love. For Days.

Peace and Love,


  1. Sweet post! I'm excited about this new format of the library blog! Have fun with it and definitely keep it regularly updated! Because you know everyone wants to procrastinate during the second half of the semester and read some sweet blog posts! Honestly, that's how we got so many readers last year. Bahaha!

    So I might jump in once in a while with some NYC library posts but making sure it connects back to UP and such. YAY! :)

    Good luck! :D

  2. Yay, something to procrastinate with again! I've already bookmarked the link so now I have easy access for whenever I'm bored. :)
