Awesome friends telling other awesome friends what is up in the Library, specifically, the second floor balcony facing the parking lot.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

"I can see Scott from here."

Really now? From the second balcony, Rick and I leaned to the left to see if we could see him. Like the FAR LEFT. Mind you we were synchronized too. It was like when we saw that laser in front of Fields/Schoenfeldt (that's from a couple posts ago, if you're wondering). I'm sure Rick could see him, but Scott's still behind the bookshelf for me. OH well.

So spring break is in a couple days. Rick's staying in Portland to go exploring with Seamus (one of his many bromances...and by many, I really mean it), while I'm heading to VegASS (as my cousin would say) with Sam and Alyssa for the WCC Basketball Tournament among other things. Then it's off to home [sweet] home in Elk Grove, Calif. So exciting! We could really use this break; although I'm positive that I'll still need to complete a couple homework assignments at home as well as figuring out my plans for the summer. Anywho, back to times in the library...

It's the beginning of the week before spring break (obviously), and things are busier than ever (well, at least I think so...okay Rick agrees too). It's intense. We'll be here often, working. This is a study break, in case you were trying to figure that out too. So yeah, best be off to working again.

Ah...there's Madison working...haha

Okay. Seriously, let's get some work done! Good luck with midterms everyone (okay...just those who have them. If you don't, you're a lucky bum)!

P.S. Look who's in his usual spot in the library...


Another thing, Madison is going around telling people they have 15 minutes left in the library. Hahaha no, that doesn't make her 15 minutes girl. She's Madison.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

More Adventures of Tarra & Sam (and Rick, too)

Tonight (and by tonight, I mean Wednesday night) in the library was interesting. Let's start out chronologically and then break it down...

I got out of class early, headed to EspressoUP to find Sam and a bunch of other friends. After a while, Sam and I decided to go to the library to work (aka her Cancer exam and CPB things).

On the second floor, we found Andrew jumping in between the book stacks. Erm...why? I have no idea, but I assume he was getting his picture taken or something. I mean, no one just does that in the library, right? He stopped and talked to me and Sam. :)

We proceeded to the study room, thinking it would be quieter for working. Boy were we wrong! The study room next door was playing loud music...what the heck?! Lucky for us, we found a pair of computers on the main floor, which is where we were stationed for the rest of the night.

While working on the computers and talking with each other, we had a couple visitors, including the one and only Rick Baleros! Ha! He came and sat at a computer behind Sam and me...because he didn't wany people to know he was on Facebook. Sheesh.

Anyway, Andrew was the most frequent visitor.

1. He tried scaring Sam, but she just looked annoyed when he did so. Apparently I look confused.

2. He scared me by placing a stapler on my keyboard. I swear I thought he was going to attack me with the stapler; although I'm not sure what the motive behind that would be...

3. This might be the same encounter as #2, but we had a quick discussion about names. Mostly because I like saying his name, and well, my first name isn't exactly the easiest to pronounce at first glance. Nevertheless it was an interesting conversation.

4. Lastly, he came by as he was leaving the library. He placed the stapler on Sam's things and attempted to place the 3-hole punch on my things. Fail. He only got a hold of part of it, and it came apart, making a loud noise. Oh wow! hahaha

It was cool talking to Andrew tonight. I feel like I only see him in the library nowadays. *sigh*

Jeff came around every once in a while, so that was cool. According to Rick, his jacket was "silky smooth," or something like that.

Rick thought Scott wasn't in the library and was sad about that, which he told me through text: "Sad, Scott isn't working the desk :(." I pointed out to him that Scott was actually on the other side of the room instead of at the tech desk in the computer lab. hahaha

So although I wrote that one post about "creeping" and "stalking," I gotta admit that we actually do stalk one person in the library - 15 minutes guy. Really though! We don't talk to him unless he tells us there's 15 minutes left in the library (like he did tonight) or if we need some help with something. For example, tonight, there weren't any staples in the stapler, so I took it and asked him at the front desk. I felt like Cady in Mean Girls when she only talks to Aaron in Calculus about minuscule things, you know what I mean? I mean it's different in a sense. Anywho, we have confirmation that his name is Ryan, which I suppose is helpful if we ever decide to talk to him. Blah. Oh well.

Alli came over and took Sam home.

Rick was conversing with me on Facebook, clogging up my computer, so it took forever to send my CPB weekly update! Shoot! I finished it though (thank goodness)! :)

Afternoon Adventures of Tarra & Sam

I know the date says Thursday, but everything in this post happened on Wednesday.

First of all, it was Election Day for ASUP Executive Board. Sam was busy checking the stats on the election all day as the Election Committee Chair. Congrats to all the winners! :)

Anyway, that was a side note.

So after class today, I decided to go to the library to look up some things for my capstone. As soon as I walked in, I heard my name called. I looked to my left and only recognized Jedidiah, but it wasn't him who was calling me. I think I looked really confused. I continued walking through the main floor, puzzled about who was calling my name. It sounded like Sam's voice, but I couldn't find her! Before going up the stairs, I looked back to see if I was just overlooking her, but she was no where in sight.

Up on the second floor, I see Sam with Michael Vu. I was like, "Ah Sam!" We kept looking over the balcony looking for a computer, but everyone was on there. As soon as we saw one open up, someone from the entrance would take it. Sam went down and got on a computer. I was going to do some homework with Michael, but then I figured that I need a computer too.

Found one quick, next to Oscar (who was playing some online computer game...hahaha). I looked up stuff for my capstone. The library reference person was helpful. It's just a matter of gathering the materials.

Nearing the end of my afternoon adventure, Evan came over with a roll of voter stickers; he gave some to Jedidiah and Emily as we were leaving the library.

I forgot to say bye to Sam, so I turned around as we were about to exit.
*End of afternoon adventure*

Andrew Hansen

On Tuesday, he asked if we were blogging about him, even though we were clearly working on homework.

He asked, so I wrote this one for him.

Hi Andrew!

In other news, I crashed in the library again while reading. Blah. Tuesdays are so draining sometimes. :(

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Outside the library.

With beautiful weather outside in Portland for the past week, it was only right to enjoy it! Rick and I spent some time in the sun outside of the library! Without a computer or a camera, Rick busted out his phone and took some video.

Introducing our first video blog...! ;)

Oh goodness. Rick is so demanding, telling people what to do! Anywho, we need to go outside more often. We need a change of setting every once in a while. :)

Last Monday of February.

After making a pit stop in Villa, Rick and I made it to the library tonight. Pretty uneventful.

I was down on the main floor, working on CPB things on one of the computers, while Rick was at our usual post. Nothing much happened. We left with Madison at midnight, and that was that.

We'll be back Tuesday night though, cranking out papers and such! ;)

Monday, February 22, 2010

Creepers? Stalkers?

So there's been some concern about Rick and I "creeping" or "stalking" people in the library. How about we define these terms for clarification...

Creeper - a person or thing that creeps.

Stalker - to pursue (game, a person, etc.) stealthily.

Do we creep? I don't think so. Everyone we blog about knows we're there. I mean, seriously, we go up and talk to all of you at some point that we're in the library. If we don't acknowledge you at some point, sometimes you come to us. Not creeping.

Now we do that? I don't think so either. We're not very stealthy about finding our friends in the library. We have to walk through the main floor, which is where most of our friends are typically found. We like to let y'all know when we're there as we sit on the 2nd floor balcony (most of the time).

Just something to think about. If we were "creeping" or "stalking," you wouldn't know that we were following you and blogging about it later. In fact, we wouldn't have any contact with you at all. So there.

Sunday Night.

After an eventful Saturday, Sam and I decided to go to the library after mass. We ran into Jeff and Stephanie. Jeff told me that Rick told him to tell me to do homework. I took him seriously and was like, "I do do homework here." At the end of the night, Rick told me that it was "all for jokes." WHAT?!

Anyway, Sam and I sat on the 2nd balcony and worked on homework. Yay for productiveness!

With 15 minutes left before closing, Madison came over and told us in the fashion of the 15 minutes guy. Aww...CLASSIC! ;)

BTW...I saw the 15 minutes guy in Pilot House on Saturday. Great - now I recognize him outside of his usual environment.

So yeah, it was a pretty uneventful time in the library, but it was nice to be there and be somewhat productive. :)

See ya tomorrow folks.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Just sleep.

Oh man. Definitely crashed in the library tonight. Then some kid had the audacity to laugh at me. I'm sorry that I'm extremely tired and need to get some reading done. That kid has no idea that my body clock is 3 hours ahead. It's like 3:30 in my world. Blah. Whatever. I'm going to bed. Good night!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Welcome back to Portland!

It's 10:33 p.m., and I'm super tired. I mean seriously, my body thinks it's like 1:30 a.m. Darn jet lag. I felt like a zombie walking to the library tonight, but I felt that I needed to have some library adventures with Rick, since he went almost a whole week without me.

So yes, we are reunited on the second balcony and took a snazzy picture in the library!

Awesome, yeah?? The glasses are straight from NACA Nationals! Yeah, Boston! Woot! :)

I kinda miss the East Coast, even though we had beautiful weather here today. I guess I just liked taking a break from school and being on CPB business. It's pretty awesome!

On the other hand, my friends miss me a lot when I'm gone. I really had no idea how much of an impact I had on the community here at UP. It's pretty amazing.

My friends abducted me last night as a way of welcoming me back. They blindfolded me and carried me away in a car with "so and so" - whoever that is. I was pretty much terrified the whole time, even though I was with people I trust. "So and so" ended up being Colin. I kinda figured that out when Kristina said his name and when he touched my knee. I also figured out that we were going to VooDoo Donuts, but they said we weren't. Where else are you going to go in Portland around midnight on a Wednesday? I'm pretty sure that's like the only place open...well, maybe. Anywho, point was an interesting way to be welcomed back home! Thanks! :)

Alright well, better get back to work before I crash in the library. I hope I get over this jet lag ends soon. As fascinating as it is, it's kinda detrimental to my studies.

Oh so Rick got a new ID card because he lost his other one in Kristina's room. He got a new picture and everything. And then...Kristina found his old one. Oh well...he has a better picture now. YAY! Check it out...

Alrighty then, I'm gonna go read. Let the adventures continue! ;)

P.S. Yawns are contagious. Just think about it. You know you want to yawn now.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Not your ordinary library time.

I went to the speeches tonight for the ASUP Candidates. They all did an awesome job tonight. People better get on their voting on February 23rd and 24th! YOUR VOTE COUNTS! (Really, it does).

So I was at speeches with Kristina Large, who happened to accompany me on my nightly adventure to the library. We first went to The Cove to get her a drink because she was thirsty. We then of course traversed to the library. We walked in. I then resumed my creeper status: before you read on, let's clarify something, Tarra and I might be creepin on people we know, but it's not creepin if we write about it in our adventures ... 1) See who is at the Lab Assistant Desk [Olberding of course]. Scott is also one of our regulars. Well, now that I think about it, I don't think he can be considered one of our regular goers ... he works there, haha. You be the judge of that one, ha. Moving on from creepin the Lab Assistant Desk I then: 2) Checked the balcony to see any familiar faces [I'm not surprised that it's Hansen and Makjavich that I see]. I also saw a good-looking dude named Jackson Martin. He's pretty awesome. He plays tennis. I played tennis, haha. After my usual balcony check I always scope out the ground floor. 3) I spotted Rizzo, who dressed down from her speech attire, and Fugle, who was out of his dress suit and into his sleep wear.

Of course we also saw other faces, Like Madison's and Margies' :)
It's always nice to see friends here. Margie was really shy and didn't want a picture. She said "I look nasty" or something along the lines of that, haha. Unfortunately Margie, we all looked not so hot anymore. It was of course late at night, the good looks from the beginning of the day had worn off and the look of "morning" was making an appearance on our faces.

So I realize I've mostly been writing about who I've seen in the library, and not necessarily what I've done in the library. Obviously I've been going to the library not only to continue this blog, but to get work done son! Of course stories are bound to happen from the Library. Like on Saturday when I went I failed to mention the fact that It was a successful day of being in the library and doing research. Then on Sunday I didn't tell you guys that I had a really good conversation with Sam about Senate and me wanting to run for Executive Board sometime down the road (we'll see how that goes). We also talked about the fact that there just aren't a lot of Science majors in the Senate. That made me super sad. ALSO, I found Harry Potter in Spanish in the Children's Section of the library - CHECK THAT STUFF OUT! On Monday, I had the pleasure of seeing a few people that were tagged in the blog check it out! Man, this blog has definitely reached a new status. Enough about the past, let's get to today's story!

So Madison was petting my hair because I guess it's really soft? I don't know what it is with people about wanting to pet my hair. When I buzzed it to 1/8 a lot of people just wanted to pet my hair because it looked fuzzy or soft. Well, as Madison was petting my head, I was talking to Rizzo and just letting her know she did a good job tonight and my thoughts on Senate next year. She petted my hair as well after Madison prompted her to do so. Mind you, my only connection to Rizzo is through Senate. Her petting my hair was equivalent to that random guy in the commons who asked if "everyone got to rub my head".

That is all folks. Enjoy the pictures. Have a WONDERFUL Wednesday.

Tarra comes back tonight. Now I won't be alone in the library :)

Commenting from the East Coast...

So while Rick has been having solo adventures in the library, I've been in Boston! Sad times to be separated, but not really...!? I mean seriously...look at all the people he keeps running into in there! Sheesh! I really miss our adventures, and it's only been one weekend.

Anywho, I'm living it up at NACA Nationals...haha...riiight! It's SNOWING right now!

Whoa!'s pretty awesome! I have so much to share, but I have to get ready for an educational session that I'm attending.

Well, happy Mardi Gras! Have fun today folks! ;)

Monday, February 15, 2010

Another day. Another Monday.

It's Monday, the 6th Monday of the semester. I forgot that today was President's Day - thanks to all the pre-frosh who reminded me of this momentous day.

Today really is one of those days though. I fought with myself to actually come to the library tonight. I didn't even want to do homework, ha. I just have my Theology book open to make it look like I'm doing something. Only the people behind me creepin really know what I'm doing...

Anyways, on to the better news. I realized I feel like a stalker when I walk into the Library, haha. Checking if I know the person working at the Lab Assistant desk. At this time of the day, it's usually Olberding.

Then I always walk in and scope out the people I know. Like right now from where I'm sitting on the balcony I can see Rizzo sitting at her computer and just typing away and looking at papers too.

I can also see that Brooms is texting and working on an Excel Sheet (business majors, haha).

Again, I can see Olberding perched in his little desk in the other computer lab.

I know right behind me is Makjavich and Hansen (our regulars) haha. Fugle was here, but alas, I don't know where he went.

I'm really tired, but I've decided I'm gonna read for Theology :)

Night guys.

Sunday, February 14, 2010


Well, hello there friends and family. I am broadcasting this blog from the 2nd floor of the Library.

I must say, it feels nice to be back in the correct spot and the right floor. Anyways, it's a calm Sunday afternoon and of course, there are a bunch of people in the library doing homework. Spending so much time in the library I get a kick out of seeing all the people I know, haha.

For instance, I saw Sir Jeff Makjavich hiding behind a fake plant pretending to read.

Within the stacks I saw Andrew Hansen trying to find a book - maybe he was just hiding because he knows Tarra and I keep a tabs on him while we're in the library.

Not to far was Fugle getting in touch with his spiritual side as he worked on that infamous class known as BibTrad...


This is such a great way to spend the good ol' Valentines day, you know - in the library. Doing homework. By ourselves ... (haha)

This is Lia Samieenejad, the newest member to our Chronicles in the Library. She was working on Chemistry. An ex-senator (like myself). Hopefully we'll be seeing more of her as this semester goes on.

Anyways, I should get back to doing some research for Biology. I hope you all had a great Valentine's Day. If that offended you, I then hope you had an AWESOME Sunday.

Saturday, February 13, 2010


I walked into the Library around 2:30 with my Chemistry Lab group (I don't like Engineers, some of them at least). You might be asking, "Who goes to the library on a Saturday?"

Well, more than just me, haha. I walk in and look up at the balcony, which looked like a deserted island, but lo and behold, our friend Andrew Hansen is up there working - at least that's what he should be doing.

Then as I walk in further into the depths of the library I see Sir Makjavich reading. Yes, he can read :)

I just gave him a quick hug because I didn't want to interrupt his reading, ha.

Lastly, I'm sitting next to Jedidiah Fugle, our best friend (haha), who is working on BibTrad (a hefty class is what I hear from other people). Hats off to him for even attempting to work on a Saturday afternoon.

Anyways, I'm off to go do some Chemistry homework and then some Biology. Maybe I'll watch a movie tonight since I don't really need to study for anything.

PS. Tarra is in Boston for NACA. I'm here all by myself until Wednesday :(

Friday, February 12, 2010

What a day.

First of all I survived my 3 exams today :) [YAY ME!]

ANYWAYS, I went to the Library after my Biology exam (around 1:20ish). I was very pleased at someone I saw there in the library. After a week or so, it had seemed like he fell off the face of this earth and was no where to be found! But no worries guys, Tarra and I are pleased to know our best library buddy is back and safe and sound, haha.

I bet you're all wondering who I saw, well I saw ...


haha, alright. end of story.

I'm pretty sure I rocked all of my exams today too :D [this is where you are proud of me]

Thursday, February 11, 2010

13 minutes left...

Last week Rick and I went to the library at like 11:20 p.m. Yeah, I know, sounds kinda pointless when there's only 40 minutes left.

Anywho, when there was 15 minutes left, one of the workers came over and did the basic protocol for informing students that there's only 15 minutes left until closing. Only difference was that this library worker didn't just pause to tell me, he came over, leaned up on the computer desk I was sitting at, and said, "Hey. The library closes in 15 minutes." I was like, "Thanks." In my head, I was just thinking, "Why did he stop to tell me that when most of the workers just walk by and say that?" Interesting.

Not only that, but when I went to check out my books, one worker was already stationed at the counter, and the guy that told me there was 15 minutes left decided to help out. Both were really helpful, but still. I'm pretty sure that's a one person job.

So...last night, Rick and I encounter the 15 minute guy, but this time when he came around, there was only 13 minutes left...?!?! What?! haha Also, Rick really wanted to wave at him when he was shelving books. Mind you, we don't even know this guy's name. In fact, I've never seen him before until last week. Weird...?

I'm sure we'll encounter him again on a late Wednesday night...even Thursday. Who knows?

Tonight, Rick and I are taking a break from the library and studying it up in Fields/Schoenfeldt Halls. Rick has some major tests tomorrow, while I have to finalize my topic for my capstone and get some stuff done before leaving this weekend. Hopefully I do.

Well, thanks for keeping up with our blog thus far. We'll have more adventures next week! See ya. :)

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

My turn to be tired ...

So, it's 4:46 PM and I'm in the library. This is quite an unusual time for me to be here. I'm usually here when it's too dark for me to be seen outside (unless I'm wearing my neon green jacket!). I'm also not in the usual spot on the 2nd floor people watching.

Anyways, getting past that, I'm really tired today, I actually didn't sleep at all last night just because my sleep schedule got SUPER messed up from the weekend. I thought it'd be a good idea to stay up all night and pass out early to get my sleep schedule back up. That proved to be a fail today, haha.

I fell asleep at the last 10 minutes of Chemistry.
I fell asleep at the last 10 minutes of Theology.
I fell asleep at the last 10 minutes of Biology. (do we see a pattern going on here?)
I fell asleep in Philosophy and woke up the last 10 minutes of that class. (I was so consistent up until then)

Now I'm here in the library about to work on Chemistry and all sorts of other classes that have ruined my life X)

Until later, bye!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

so tired.

I fell asleep in the library.

In other news, Andrew is accusing Sam of stealing the cashbox, while Jeff claims it was my fault. Both accusations are false. We all know it was just misplaced. Okay and therefore stolen but some third party. I don't even know actually. We can just blame Colton for this mishap....a HUGE mishap.

Alright so Jeff and Andrew were wearing matching yellow shirts. Not sure where Jeff's shirt went after awhile because he wasn't wearing it anymore...Er...alright. Anywho, we wanted to capture their twinsy moment, but they were always on two different levels.

Look at Andrew down there drinking his caffeinated drinks while making weird faces at us on the 2nd floor. He has no idea that we're writing about him right now. Bahahaha...

Well, 9 minutes till closing. I need to crash, and then do some homework. Great.

Good night.


This story takes us outside of the library...

Rick and I were talking to Kristina who was in her room on the 3rd Floor of Fields. She was pointing a laser beam on the ground and was like, "Follow the laser!" Rick and I had the same instinct. We stretched out our arms and started chasing the laser like we were running around on the playground in 1st grade! After realizing our mimicking moves, we busted up laughing while Kristina joined in our laughter from above. Ah...good times! :)

Monday, February 8, 2010


I spend too much time in the library. As Olberding said when I spoke to him before he left, "I get paid to be here as much as I do." Tarra, we need to get paid for this!

I just worked on Biology & Chemistry (ahhh!!)

Here are the first ever documented photos of Rick & Tarra's Adventures :)

Take 1: Sam didn't like this one, only because I blocked out her face :P

Take 2: Sam didn't like this one because of her face, haha.

Take 3: Jeff didn't like this one ...

Take 4: I didn't like this one :(

Sunday, February 7, 2010

STOP Galactic Cannibalism!!

So Madison is reading up on some astronomy and found out that galaxies are eating each other?! What monstrosities! We're starting a movement to stop galactic cannibalism...who's with us?!


Sam just came in...yes! :)

Sunday Evening

It's Sunday, which is typically when everyone and their mom is in the library.

Rick and I are up on the second balcony. Nothing much happening. Although I'm pretty sure I passed by Andrew and Jeff with extreme determination to get to the second floor. Whoops.

There's a ton of athletes in the library this evening. I felt a tad bit uncomfortable about it, to be honest. I'm not really sure why though.

Anyway, Rick went down to find a computer. Oh wait...He just texted me that his shoes are squeaky. Thanks for the minor update dude! haha

I need to get back to reading before mass. See you there Sam!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Let the Adventures Begin...

One day, Tarra went to the library to read her fascinating communication textbooks. While reading on the second floor of the library, overlooking the entrance, she began to people watch, noticing that she actually knows a lot of people in the building.

Just then, she received a text: "Look down at the printers." Lo and behold, Rick was standing by the printers waving. A few moments later, he joined her on the balcony, watching the people from below.

Recognizing some friends below, there was only one way to get their attention - texting. Rick grabbed Tarra's phone and punched in a message to Jedidiah - "You should look up at the balcony." Sure enough he responded with a smile and a wave.

Just then, Jeff came into the library and set off the security sensors three times. He came up to the second floor, chatted with Jedidiah from above, and then came over to sit next to Rick and Tarra.

A row of Macs lined the balcony as the students worked on homework and people watched simultaneously.

They all stayed there until the library closed. It was at this moment as well as a few instances after that Rick and Tarra decided that they should record their library adventures.

This blog will record their adventures, complete with stories, photos, and possibly videos. Enjoy! :)