Awesome friends telling other awesome friends what is up in the Library, specifically, the second floor balcony facing the parking lot.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Welcome back to Portland!

It's 10:33 p.m., and I'm super tired. I mean seriously, my body thinks it's like 1:30 a.m. Darn jet lag. I felt like a zombie walking to the library tonight, but I felt that I needed to have some library adventures with Rick, since he went almost a whole week without me.

So yes, we are reunited on the second balcony and took a snazzy picture in the library!

Awesome, yeah?? The glasses are straight from NACA Nationals! Yeah, Boston! Woot! :)

I kinda miss the East Coast, even though we had beautiful weather here today. I guess I just liked taking a break from school and being on CPB business. It's pretty awesome!

On the other hand, my friends miss me a lot when I'm gone. I really had no idea how much of an impact I had on the community here at UP. It's pretty amazing.

My friends abducted me last night as a way of welcoming me back. They blindfolded me and carried me away in a car with "so and so" - whoever that is. I was pretty much terrified the whole time, even though I was with people I trust. "So and so" ended up being Colin. I kinda figured that out when Kristina said his name and when he touched my knee. I also figured out that we were going to VooDoo Donuts, but they said we weren't. Where else are you going to go in Portland around midnight on a Wednesday? I'm pretty sure that's like the only place open...well, maybe. Anywho, point was an interesting way to be welcomed back home! Thanks! :)

Alright well, better get back to work before I crash in the library. I hope I get over this jet lag ends soon. As fascinating as it is, it's kinda detrimental to my studies.

Oh so Rick got a new ID card because he lost his other one in Kristina's room. He got a new picture and everything. And then...Kristina found his old one. Oh well...he has a better picture now. YAY! Check it out...

Alrighty then, I'm gonna go read. Let the adventures continue! ;)

P.S. Yawns are contagious. Just think about it. You know you want to yawn now.


  1. Great. I look like such a horrible person.
    I mess up on Colin's cover.
    Rick loses his ID in my room.
    Double fail. :/

  2. It's alright Kristina :)

    I don't think you're a horrible person. I'm quite pleased with my new ID card!
