Awesome friends telling other awesome friends what is up in the Library, specifically, the second floor balcony facing the parking lot.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Creepers? Stalkers?

So there's been some concern about Rick and I "creeping" or "stalking" people in the library. How about we define these terms for clarification...

Creeper - a person or thing that creeps.

Stalker - to pursue (game, a person, etc.) stealthily.

Do we creep? I don't think so. Everyone we blog about knows we're there. I mean, seriously, we go up and talk to all of you at some point that we're in the library. If we don't acknowledge you at some point, sometimes you come to us. Not creeping.

Now we do that? I don't think so either. We're not very stealthy about finding our friends in the library. We have to walk through the main floor, which is where most of our friends are typically found. We like to let y'all know when we're there as we sit on the 2nd floor balcony (most of the time).

Just something to think about. If we were "creeping" or "stalking," you wouldn't know that we were following you and blogging about it later. In fact, we wouldn't have any contact with you at all. So there.

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