He's 22 now ... O_o [that's pretty darn old. not really]
Aside from his sweet wolf shirt, that he requested to be in the picture, he not only get's this birthday blog, BUT he got a Photobooth-Photoshoot! I know, right? Awesome!
So, you know I was in the library today around 6:30ish working away on this Fine Arts presentation on photography. I was feeling pretty cool rockin' my yellow shirt and my longer hair; it's the first yellow shirt that has ever looked good on me. I worked SUPER hard on this presentation because I have to make it look like I worked on it during Spring Break [I always do this to myself]. In my opinion it's a pretty rockin' presentation. Full of photos and everything [Just like how this blog will be]!
Anyways, I'm working, right? Then out of no where, like this bunny that hopped into my leg over spring break, Andrew Hansen comes up to me and is all, "Is Tarra coming tonight?"
I'm all, "Yeah, but she's at the store right now. Why?"
Then he's all, "I need to talk to her about CPB related stuff for our FLOOD event." [BTW, I'm going, all the reasons for you to go too]
Like magic, Tarra just walks in and Andrew is all "Tarra!" and she doesn't hear him so I'm all "TARRA!" and she hears me and comes over. Then Andrew and her go at this conversation and what not. It was pretty gnarly. We had fun describing to him who Aaron Morris was, as Tarra said ... "He's tall ..." REALLY!? He's Tall? That's it? haha

Between events, this kid name Jeff Makjavich came over and Tarra and I took some pictures with him. We look pretty gangsta if you know what I mean. Well, I don't really mean anything, I'm just saying that we looked gangsta and that you guys should definitely feel jealous because you wish you were us. Also, Madison came by and visited me when I was taking pictures of myself [I have a problem ...]. Yeah, so I got some sweet pictures with Madison, more like a picture with Madison. Sorry Tarra that you didn't get one :(
MOVING ON! So Kristina had some problems with her contacts and they made her eyes BLOOD-SHOT RED!! She was definitely smoking some weed up there on the balcony. Probably doing some with Madison .. whores [JUST KIDDING]. If you look closely at the picture - her eyes are red.
Did you know: Sometimes when you're eyes are red, it's because you popped a vessel in your eye? Yeah I know, pretty weird! It's like your learned something new today.
Before I diverge off the track of
"Library Adventures" I'll get back on the path. Kristina went to go back to work on physiology [?]. Tarra and I proceeded to get our iPods in sync while listening to "Just Dance" by Lady Gaga. It's the theme of the Spring Dance. If you're going get your tickets now because only 500 are being sold, well less than that after today! We were gonna make this sweet gnarly video, but alas we didn't. Sad panda! Break my heart, ha. Right after that we took a picture with Sam Riofta! She's a quick one, we took two, Tarra and I look away for a nano-second and then ... Sam was gone!! O_O
At this point in the adventure, Scott came around and we took the above photo with him. He's old. But he still looks REALLY young. 22? AHHH. That's like a whole 3 years older than me, not really more like 2 3/4 older than me because today is my 1/4 birthday! YAY!!
I ALMOST FORGOT!! We had a new special guest come our way today. Unfortunately, today will probably be the only day that we'll see him in the library. You're probably all, "Rick tell us who the hell this person is. It's not like it's the president or something. Just tell us"
Well, you're wrong. He is the President Elect [to be formally correct], COLIN DORWART!! He was returning some books that were due during Spring Break.
I kind of have a problem about that once I heard about it. Books due during Spring Break? Why not before? Why not after? That makes more logical sense to me. Does it not make logical sense to you?
Yeah, that's about it. I went back to go work on some Chemistry which I finished up, but I still have a ton more to do [so I didn't really finish anything up]. Tarra proceeded to fall asleep [I might be wrong ...]. She most likely did whether or not I'm right.
That was the eventful night. For those of you reading, I wrote this with the intentions of my "story" voice on. I'll read it out loud sometime for the masses to full get the effect of what I was trying to say. When they turned the lights off which was our cue to leave, all Tarra and I could do was sulk in our sorrow because we were so sad that such an eventful night in the library had ended :(
haha. Happy Birthday Scott, you get a special birthday blog.
Now that you're "2 decades and a 1/5 of a decade" years old. I really hope that you take this time to think about the years that have gone by. Your teens have obviously slipped away at this point, making them merely the past - a memory. Hold onto those memories and cherish them. But don't hold on too tight because before you know - LIFE will begin. Think about it, turning 22 your life is just now about to start. So I hope you had a great day.
Aside from his sweet wolf shirt, that he requested to be in the picture, he not only get's this birthday blog, BUT he got a Photobooth-Photoshoot! I know, right? Awesome!

I'm all, "Yeah, but she's at the store right now. Why?"
Then he's all, "I need to talk to her about CPB related stuff for our FLOOD event." [BTW, I'm going, all the reasons for you to go too]
Like magic, Tarra just walks in and Andrew is all "Tarra!" and she doesn't hear him so I'm all "TARRA!" and she hears me and comes over. Then Andrew and her go at this conversation and what not. It was pretty gnarly. We had fun describing to him who Aaron Morris was, as Tarra said ... "He's tall ..." REALLY!? He's Tall? That's it? haha

Did you know: Sometimes when you're eyes are red, it's because you popped a vessel in your eye? Yeah I know, pretty weird! It's like your learned something new today.

At this point in the adventure, Scott came around and we took the above photo with him. He's old. But he still looks REALLY young. 22? AHHH. That's like a whole 3 years older than me, not really more like 2 3/4 older than me because today is my 1/4 birthday! YAY!!

Well, you're wrong. He is the President Elect [to be formally correct], COLIN DORWART!! He was returning some books that were due during Spring Break.
I kind of have a problem about that once I heard about it. Books due during Spring Break? Why not before? Why not after? That makes more logical sense to me. Does it not make logical sense to you?
Yeah, that's about it. I went back to go work on some Chemistry which I finished up, but I still have a ton more to do [so I didn't really finish anything up]. Tarra proceeded to fall asleep [I might be wrong ...]. She most likely did whether or not I'm right.

That was the eventful night. For those of you reading, I wrote this with the intentions of my "story" voice on. I'll read it out loud sometime for the masses to full get the effect of what I was trying to say. When they turned the lights off which was our cue to leave, all Tarra and I could do was sulk in our sorrow because we were so sad that such an eventful night in the library had ended :(
Rick & Tarra: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
Scott: Thanks guys.
Rick: For the sake of the blog, PICTURE!
Scott: OO-OO ... Get the wolf in the picture!

Rick & Tarra: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
Scott: Thanks guys.
Rick: For the sake of the blog, PICTURE!
Scott: OO-OO ... Get the wolf in the picture!
haha. Happy Birthday Scott, you get a special birthday blog.
Now that you're "2 decades and a 1/5 of a decade" years old. I really hope that you take this time to think about the years that have gone by. Your teens have obviously slipped away at this point, making them merely the past - a memory. Hold onto those memories and cherish them. But don't hold on too tight because before you know - LIFE will begin. Think about it, turning 22 your life is just now about to start. So I hope you had a great day.
Whoa...Andrew asked if I was coming to the library? haha He wasn't the only one. It's a staple location for me.
ReplyDeleteAnd yes Aaron Morris is tall.
I kinda sorta feel like you left out the part where Andrew and I were across from each other at the computers, continuing to make deals and such. Business stuff between organizations, you know how it goes...
Ah! There was something else I wanted to comment about.
Ooh! LOVE all the pictures! They are a sweet addition. I need to add more of those in my posts.
And yes, I did start falling asleep again. So tired. :\
But yeah, AWESOME blog! It was a good night. :)
The picture did not do justice to my blood-shot eyes. I have no comment to the 'weed' statement but to the 'whores' statement I say, a girl's gotta get paid, yo!
ReplyDeleteAlso, it's the blood vessels in YOUR eye.
Agreed. You can't see Kristina's blood-shot eyes in the picture; her eyes just look really dark.
ReplyDeleteOMG, this is funny. Rick, that yellow shirt is just amazing. I love it. I also love how only Andrew's eyes are in the picture. lol. And tell Scott his wolf shirt is badass. I like it. Btw, I was in the library around 6:30 but I was in the corner trying to do Micro :/ I'll come visit tomorrow night because I have a PHL paper to write :(
ReplyDeleteHaha. Yeah Kristina - you can't tell in that one :(
ReplyDeleteBut you can in the other one. Oh well. They're light pink now.