Awesome friends telling other awesome friends what is up in the Library, specifically, the second floor balcony facing the parking lot.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

PART THREE: this wouldn't have been the same without...

Seriously! This blog would have been nothing without the patrons of the library (aka students and friends who went to the library has frequently as us), the library workers, and our followers! It was fun seeing who would be in there each time, who we could say hi to, who we could take pictures with (that was one of my favorite things to do), who we could spy on (bahahahaha), and who we could include in our blog that day. Thank you for being part of this experience.

Now for some favorite moments with some awesome people:


Zack Imfeld liked to keep Rick and I on top of our blog. It was awesome when Zack was leading a tour of perspective students and giving them some highlights about the library. He mentioned our blog as we were walking was like we were on cue for a UP advertisement! So cool! Thanks for your loyal followership Zack!

Sean Ducey also kept up with the Adventures. During finals week, I'm glad he joined in on our adventures, especially when we were all on the balcony. Good times.

Hillary White and Megan Kirchgasler liked to be updated with the blog as well and both made it into the blog. I've had so many good times with these ladies, especially with CPB and as neighbors, but for the sake of the blog, it was funny when Hillary demanded to be in the blog by leaving a note on my white board in Fields and then making it into the blog only days later! Yay!

Kristina Large "publicly" followed us, as Google would say, but sometimes she ventured into the library with us. I remember that one time when we chilled by the computers, and she visited us every once in a while. I'm glad she also kept Rick company while I was gone in Boston!

I think this is where some of our followers were actually in the library as much as us...bahahaha

The Regulars
In the library, we never actually took a picture with them together, but Caitlin Chu and Katie Capps were basically everywhere else together, like the Commons and Senate meetings (haha). It was always great to see them, even if it was just to say hello.

Lia Samieenejad always seemed to be in the library the same time Rick and me were there. Sometimes she'd ask Rick for some help with chemistry, but it was always good to have her company. The night before the last day of finals, Lia was there and definitely gave me hope because the library was practically empty that night.

I'm positive that Jeff Makjavich and Andrew Hansen were always in the library the same time as Rick and me. Seriously. They were always in there and were one of the few people who actually stayed until closing time with us. Late night buddies. Anywho, Jeff thought that I didn't do homework in the library because he always saw me updating the blog or doing something else (probably sleeping...haha). Oh Jeff.

As for Andrew, he thought we were always blogging, even though we were doing homework. For a while, he had no idea we were including him in our blog; he ended up being in here on numerous occasions. I appreciated both of them and their company as they stopped by for a chat every once in a know those study breaks? Oh yeah.

Jedidiah Fugle was part of our first "episode," and to set the record straight, most of those texts from my phone were actually from Rick, especially the one that said something about looking up at the balcony. Anywho, Jedidiah made some appearances in the blog as well, mostly while working on Bid Trad (oh joy). But yeah, it was fun writing his birthday blog, even if it was a couple days late and I wasn't in the picture *sigh*.

How could I forget my bestiee Sam Riofta?! We usually went to the library together or somehow find each other there. haha Sometimes we'd venture out of the library for a bit to grab some food, so we'd set up our stuff like we went to go into the book stacks for a few minutes. Lo and behold...we'd be gone for much longer. It worked though. Thank goodness! Also, we'd go into the basement where it was awfully quiet, but during finals week, we found a little round table by a study room. Sure, we were supposed to be quiet, but we definitely whispered to each other. Plus, what else were we supposed to do when someone was singing their heart out in the study room?!

Madison Blake and Scott Olberding draw the next line in this post as they fall in all three categories - followers, regulars and workers.

Rick was always looking out for Scott, like all the time, but I'd say my favorite moment with Scott was definitely when it was his birthday. Not only was it one of Rick's best blogs in the blog, but it was fun taking all those pictures, even the one with just Scott's wolf shirt.

Madison and I probably could have written a blog about our fun adventures in the library too because we were in there together so often. We would set goals to spend an X number of hours to do homework in the library, especially as the weeks to the end of the semester drew closer. We'd venture over to the library from Fields, crossing the vast parking lot (yadda yadda yadda). Ah good times. Somehow she also convinced me to take pictures with a bunch of the workers...

Madison and I definitely attempted this on a limb during dead week and finals, so we did not get all of the workers as we went around. Anyway, just want to give a quick thanks for all they do to make sure the library is functioning properly, helping patrons when they need assistance, and letting them know when there's 15 minutes left until closing...hahaha.

When Rick and I came into the library on Thursday of finals week, the library staff thought we were a little crazy coming in, but Rick explained that we needed to finish our blog. Then some of them started reading it, like Amanda Bolint, who actually became a "public" follower. It's cool having them in on our adventures. It's like a top secret being released...well, kinda.

Well, there you have it. The Adventures of Rick & Tarra (Spring 2010 edition) has come to an end. Hope you enjoyed it as much as Rick and me! :)

Oh wait...hold up. Need to share some co-writer love...

Here's to you,
Rick Baleros!

I'm so glad that we got a chance to write this blog together. It has definitely been an interesting, fun experience. We both experimented with Blogspot and blog writing, which is good practice for whatever my future career is, and it has also become one of your hobbies (check out his other blogs).

Our friendship has definitely grown stronger from those Senate days, and even though you sometimes talk too much, I'm really glad that we're friends and continue to be, even with the distance and all. Thank you for the good times and making time in the library an adventure! We both made memories that will last us a lifetime, and it's awesome that we can look back at these moments and laugh. Because I mean, really, a blog about our times in a library?! That's pretty sweet that we got it to work and be a success! haha Good luck in your future postings!

I hope that you continue this blog, even without a co-writer. I know you'll find someone, eventually. Who knows? Maybe some of our followers will step up and jot a post or two. ;)

Ah whatever happens, I just know that we should keep this blog alive. I'll definitely stop by for guest appearances, and maybe add some travel commentary when traveling to other libraries.

Thank you for being an awesome co-writer Rick! It has been great working with you! :)

Now it's done!

Well, at least this portion of the blog is, because there is sure to be more to come! Hope you all have an amazing summer, filled with adventure!

P.S. I know I didn't mention every one, and I wish I could have. If you're not mentioned, please know that you played an important in this blog, and I really appreciate you and your support. Good wishes to you!

P.P.S. If I don't have a picture with you outside the library, well...I'm not really sure how to address that. Hopefully we get a picture together in the future. Take care.

This is Tarra McCurdy, signing off (for now).

Thursday, May 20, 2010

PART TWO: The Memories

I could recap, but we already did that with our videos...

So here's some reflection of the blog...

Seventy-seven blogs later - 
it has come to this: the end.  

In February, Rick and I had this crazy idea of starting a blog about the library.  I know. It sounds like the most boring thing ever, but it actually turned into an interesting concept.  It might even have turned into something bigger for us.

I did not frequent the library prior to the making of this blog. I would occasionally go there to make posters for CPB, get a couple books for research (by a couple books...I really mean like a dozen or so), do Bib Trad research (because inevitably, you have to go to the library to do any research for that class), or just printing out articles and assignments for class.  Other than that, I really didn't actually study in the library because my room was actually an ample place to do homework. This year, that wasn't the case.

I really liked sitting on the balcony because let's face it, I'm a people watcher.  I don't deny it. That's kinda how this whole thing started.  Rick and I were sitting in the balcony, and we just wanted to say hi to our friends on the floor below.  Then somehow we came up with writing a blog. For some reason, I don't recall the connection between saying hi to friends and writing a blog. Oh worked.

Over the course of the semester, we would meet up in the library to write about our experiences and interactions in the library.  Some days were more exciting than others.  Some days were more productive academically than others as well.  I swear, I'm pretty sure there were times when we'd just come to the library for the sake of the blog.  Like we wouldn't do homework...we'd just come so that we could write something here. haha even within the last hour of the library being open...haha oh man...good times.

Basically the library became one of the 5 places that you could find me all semester. The other four were the ASUP Office, Fields, Commons, and Class.  Honestly, I was pretty predictable.  People always sent me texts asking if I was in the library or not (hence this blog post). There were other regulars, who I'll talk about in the next installment. ;)

But yeah, the library became a central place for Rick and me, and we created some lasting memories.  Here are my five favorite memories about the library in no particular order...

1. Closing time.
I never used to stay until closing time until last semester. It became habit, really. Nothing like spending every day in the library until midnight. Hahaha It also became custom to see how and when the library workers would tell us to leave, especially when they started closing the library at midnight instead of minutes before.

2. Crashing Computer (x2).
Gosh, those computers in the library! So one time I was working on my CPB weekly update with Sam on another computer.  Andrew kept coming by to talk to us, and it was actually pretty funny!  Rick was also there talking to me on FB chat even though he was on a computer not far from me, which kept freezing my computer! Bah! Another favorite funny moment was when I signed on to one of the computers in the morning and thought I signed out, but it turned out that I was still signed in well into the evening.  Lia actually used that computer and saved her chem report on my account! hahaha

3. Circle Table.
Although the balcony is still my favorite spot in the library, that little table in the corner was also an awesome place to study...and people watch! haha However, that shelf next to it sucked, making everyone who walked by feel all chub and what not.  Oh man...we never got to try dancing on that table...b/c it was sure sturdy enough for that! haha But yeah...sometimes people got to that table before Rick and I got there, so we would have to relocate which got exceedingly difficult especially when dead and finals week rolled around.  I don't think we returned to that table in the final weeks but it was fun while it lasted. :)

4. The Walk Back.
Rick and I would always cross the parking lot together after our time in the library.  Sometimes Madison would join us too.  The walk back to Fields was always so long - 1/2 mile. Sheesh.  When it rained, there would be a gigantic puddle in front of the library (Rick wrote about it), and we would always stumble upon (that stupid puddle)!  But yeah, on our way back, we'd sometimes see Ian, Adam, or whoever. One time, Andrew tried ramming his car into Madison and me in the pouring rain. Didn't even offer a ride...WTF? Apparently McDonalds was more important. ANYWAY, Rick and I often had good talks on this walk and then we would go our separate ways at our parting post by the baseball field.

5. The people.
This blog would be nothing if it wasn't for our friends, followers, and the library workers.  They are what made this blog so fun to write, especially as we recorded our countless interactions with them.  It just amazes me how our followers got so into it (still are)!  The next installment expands upon their awesomeness. :)

Stay tuned...

P.S. Sorry for all the writing and no pictures. I'll be sure to add some in the next one. :)

Monday, May 17, 2010

PART ONE: Other libraries.

So I made it to my public library, and OMG! This new place is amazing!  They just moved it to a new, larger facility down the street from the original location, and I got to admit that the new building is fantastic! It even still has that new building smell! I'll definitely have to explore after writing this long awaited blog.

As Rick mentioned in his blog about his public library, it definitely feels weird being here and probably being the only college student graduate here (parents and the librarians don't count).  The high school students just got out of school within the past hour and a bunch of them are here homeworkin' it.  They've got about a week of school left.

I'm also like the only one with a laptop, which is totally different from UP since everyone brought their laptop with them. Sometimes the whole top balcony you could just see heads peering over laptops. It was always funny when Rick and I would notice a whole row of Macs...haha!  Kinda like this:

That was taken that one night with the dirt cups...hahahaha good time! ;) wow! Just noticed the stained glass windows here, and the image is books! How cool! I swear this library just got a whole lot cooler by moving to this new location...

So to start off this finale, let's glance at some other libraries locally (Portland area) and around the country...then bring it back to UP.

Remember when I kept going to the Multnomah County Library to do research for my capstone?  I really enjoyed going to that library and looking at magazines from the 1940s.  I know Rick really wanted to come with me for a field trip to this library, but we never got the chance.  One day'll see the County Library.  It's really easy to get to, even from the Max - Bus 35 to Red, stop at like 10th.  Something like that.  Anyway, most of the time I drove down there (thanks Colin!).  Thank goodness there was a parking garage only a block away.  So here's the library:

Other libraries that I've seen include...

1. Harvard University - Widener Library
That one had a real interesting story, combining it with the Titanic. Crazy huh?  Didn't get to see the inside of that, but it was just cool being there.

2. Boston Public Library
Didn't get a chance to go inside this one either, but when I was in Boston for NACA Nationals, we passed by it a couple of times. It looked like a huge library! Looks pretty magnificent at night, eh? I'm not sure how it comes with the next one on this list...

3. New York Public Library
I didn't go to New York this year, but I did go to the New York Public Library when I was there during Spring Break 2009.  It was amazing!  They have a mini-museum, where my cousins and I learned about Art Deco, an art style that was particularly popular in the 1920s and 1930s.  You can see Art Deco all over NYC, especially in the Empire State Building and Rockefeller, since those skyscrapers were established during that time period.  Ah! LOVE HISTORY...guess that's why I was a history minor! was neat being there too!

4. McGill University in Montreal, Canada
During the summer of 2009, I studied abroad in Montreal, and sometimes my friends and I would head over to the library to hold some legit study groups.  I only went into one room in this library because it was HUGE, and I couldn't find the other rooms.  Anyway, this room had a study room in the MIDDLE of the room. It was blocked off with sound proof glass!  My friends and I liked to quote Anchorman when we were in there. hahaha Unfortunately, I don't have a picture of the library. :(

I forget which library I was in, but there was a TON of places for people to sit and do there homework.  Since I came to visit the week before finals, the place was CROWDED. Seriously. Every spot was practically filled.  I wonder if people who didn't even know each other were sitting at the same table...? Anyway, there were these cubbies with computers and were like the only spaces open, so I busted out my homework there.  Seemed more like a gigantic study area rather than a library. Where were all the books?

So of all these libraries, none of them had the same community feeling that the library at the University of Portland had.  Sure, our library wasn't top of the line like some libraries, but it was good enough for what it was.  It became like a second home to me, especially during my final semester at UP. 

I ended up spending more time there in one semester than any of my previous semesters at UP. I can't even fathom how many hours I've spent in the library.  It's so crazy, but nevertheless, I've really enjoyed it.  :)

This is the beginning of my closing posts to The Adventures of Rick and Tarra. Stay tuned for the next part.

CLOSED on Sundays

My public library is closed on Sundays.  

At UP, I could spend my whole Sunday in the library if I wanted to, but it was pretty typical to find me there after mass till closing. know those Study Sundays when you attempt to do all the homework you had to do over the weekend. Bah...I hated those.

Anywho, the Elk Grove Library opens at noon tomorrow, which is perfect because I can head over there after my morning run! Woot! ;)

I'm sorry for this delay. As mentioned before, things have been really busy since I've returned home. 


Get ready for the finale!  Well, at least my finale (for now).

Rick has summer school, starting tomorrow, and he wanted to give his two cents about being back on campus and in the library. So the adventures continue...kinda.

Guess you never know what to expect on The Adventures of Rick and Tarra.

Ciao! ;)

P.S. I did see Iron Man 2 on Friday, hence why I didn't write then. Btw...if you haven't seen that movie, you should go see it. LOVED IT! Then for Saturday, I was doing some more cleaning and organizing and some more movie watching.'s summer! Keep your shorts on...the blog is coming.

P.P.S. The picture was taken in the bonus room in my house. We have lots of bookshelves lining one wall, like a library! haha My brother, Kyle, joined me. :)

Thursday, May 13, 2010


Yeah I know you've been waiting for my last post - my personal closing statement to the excellent adventures of Rick and Tarra.

Well, I've been at home - unpacking, cleaning, organizing, shopping, running, applying for jobs/internships, traveling, sleeping, watching TV, etc. It's been a busy time since I've returned to the Golden State. I haven't really had a chance to hit up the public library to finish off the blog.

However, I will try my best to get to the library this weekend! I just remembered the fambam and I are watching Iron Man 2 tomorrow, so the blog might need to be put off for another day. Sorry folks!

Anyway, I just wanted to give you a quick update because I've heard a bunch of you are waiting, including my buddy Rick!

Don't worry! The blog is coming! ;)

P.S. The picture is from my room. Nothing like having a bunch of high school yearbooks and Harry Potter (7th book is missing though)!

Monday, May 3, 2010

"Now that's a wrap!"

I'm now in Oak Harbor, WA. Back at home for a total of 11 days before I head back down to Portland for Summer Semester! I'm actually quite excited about it all. But anyways, I got home and one of the first things I did was go to my Public Library (Sno-Isle Library ... look it up!).

It wasn't the same though.

There wasn't the weird puddle outside of the library that Tarra and I always try to avoid. There wasn't a door that slammed shut and was so loud that the main library doors were closed as to not disrupt students. There definitely was not a lab assistant worker there by the name of Scott Olberding. All the people and things I've come to be familiar with in a library were not there ...
After a whole semester of spending almost all my time in the library, I've come to realize that library's are fun to be in (Crazy, I know). As we said in our video, we can remember some of the things that happened in our blog as if it were yesterday. Birthdays, being accused of stealing a cash box, being reminded that we only had 15 minutes left - these are only some of the things that we did this past semester in the library. I interacted with people here. They chose to interact back. Seriously though, if it weren't for the people we mention in this blog daily I don't think the blog would have been what it became.

I LOVED everyday I spent in the library. Looking to see if Scott worked the lab assistant desk and getting bummed when I realized he wasn't. To later find out that he was working on homework with Michael*. Seeing faces that later became familiar ones. To some of you this might sound funny, but I made relationships with fellow students at UP in this library. Some relationships started out as bad ones that only became good. Some were just flat out awkward all semester (15 Minutes Guy).

Looking back on all of this, if Tarra and I didn't write this blog I don't think I'd have been so excited to go to the library. I know I wouldn't have some of the new friends that I made from the library. Unfortunately, workers recognized me outside, and well ... that led to some awkward crossings (haha. Tarra, you know what one I'm talking about). My second semester of freshman year wouldn't have been the same without this blog.

Without this blog, Tarra would have just been another friend that I saw in the library. That's if I even went to the library everyday. With this blog though I can honestly say that Tarra is like family now. She sure feels like family, ha.

I might be straying away from what I really want to say, but I have to say thanks to Tarra. Thanks for making my second semester what it was. It was a joint collaboration on even coming up with creating a way to make our adventures known to the general public. At first it was just our closest friends reading the blog, now the library workers read it. I wonder who else is reading it now :P

As for the future of this blog, just come find me in the library these next three years. I'll definitely be there, just like how Villa is home to me, the library is my second home. I don't think I'd have it any other way. I hope to find a new co-author, but if not, that's cool too. Just look for me and maybe you could end up in the blog as well :)

I'm signing out for now! Have an awesome summer guys. To the Class of 2010, Congratulations on Graduating. Go out there and do what you plan on doing. Internships, working, Graduate school? Go out there and help lead this world!
(this was a dream I had a few weeks ago)

Rick and Tarra were writing their last blog that they'd ever write together. No one was really in the library except for them and other workers. As they finished up their blog and hit "submit" the director yelled, "THAT WAS PERFECT! THAT'S A WRAP! NOW BRING OUT ALL THE STARS OF THE SHOW!!"

15 Minutes Guy (Old & New)

Andrew Hansen

Michael B
Caitlin Chu

Colin Dorwart

Emily Rizzo

Hillary White

Ian Hilger

Jedidiah Fugle
Jeff Makjavich
Kati McConn
Katie Capps
Kristina Large
Lia Samieenejad
Library Worker #1
Library Worker #2
Madison Blake
Megan Kirchgasler
Sam Riofta
Scott Olberding
Sean Ducey
Zack Imfeld

Then the director yelled out to bring the two stars of the show:


If you're wondering how the dream ended, I was signed for the next three years. Now that's a wrap!