Seriously! This blog would have been nothing without the patrons of the library (aka students and friends who went to the library has frequently as us), the library workers, and our followers! It was fun seeing who would be in there each time, who we could say hi to, who we could take pictures with (that was one of my favorite things to do), who we could spy on (bahahahaha), and who we could include in our blog that day. Thank you for being part of this experience.
Now for some favorite moments with some awesome people:
Zack Imfeld liked to keep Rick and I on top of our blog. It was awesome when Zack was leading a tour of perspective students and giving them some highlights about the library. He mentioned our blog as we were walking by...it was like we were on cue for a UP advertisement! So cool! Thanks for your loyal followership Zack!
I think this is where some of our followers were actually in the library as much as us...bahahaha
The Regulars

Madison Blake and Scott Olberding draw the next line in this post as they fall in all three categories - followers, regulars and workers.
Rick was always looking out for Scott, like all the time, but I'd say my favorite moment with Scott was definitely when it was his birthday. Not only was it one of Rick's best blogs in the blog, but it was fun taking all those pictures, even the one with just Scott's wolf shirt.
Madison and I definitely attempted this on a limb during dead week and finals, so we did not get all of the workers as we went around. Anyway, just want to give a quick thanks for all they do to make sure the library is functioning properly, helping patrons when they need assistance, and letting them know when there's 15 minutes left until closing...hahaha.When Rick and I came into the library on Thursday of finals week, the library staff thought we were a little crazy coming in, but Rick explained that we needed to finish our blog. Then some of them started reading it, like Amanda Bolint, who actually became a "public" follower. It's cool having them in on our adventures. It's like a top secret being released...well, kinda.
Well, there you have it. The Adventures of Rick & Tarra (Spring 2010 edition) has come to an end. Hope you enjoyed it as much as Rick and me! :)
Oh wait...hold up. Need to share some co-writer love...
Here's to you,
Rick Baleros!
I'm so glad that we got a chance to write this blog together. It has definitely been an interesting, fun experience. We both experimented with Blogspot and blog writing, which is good practice for whatever my future career is, and it has also become one of your hobbies (check out his other blogs).
Our friendship has definitely grown stronger from those Senate days, and even though you sometimes talk too much, I'm really glad that we're friends and continue to be, even with the distance and all. Thank you for the good times and making time in the library an adventure! We both made memories that will last us a lifetime, and it's awesome that we can look back at these moments and laugh. Because I mean, really, a blog about our times in a library?! That's pretty sweet that we got it to work and be a success! haha Good luck in your future postings!
Ah whatever happens, I just know that we should keep this blog alive. I'll definitely stop by for guest appearances, and maybe add some travel commentary when traveling to other libraries.
Thank you for being an awesome co-writer Rick! It has been great working with you! :)
Now it's done!
Well, at least this portion of the blog is, because there is sure to be more to come! Hope you all have an amazing summer, filled with adventure!
P.S. I know I didn't mention every one, and I wish I could have. If you're not mentioned, please know that you played an important in this blog, and I really appreciate you and your support. Good wishes to you!
P.P.S. If I don't have a picture with you outside the library, well...I'm not really sure how to address that. Hopefully we get a picture together in the future. Take care.
This is Tarra McCurdy, signing off (for now).