Awesome friends telling other awesome friends what is up in the Library, specifically, the second floor balcony facing the parking lot.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Library Lovers Month

Happy Library Lovers Month! I hope you all will take advantage of the wonderful Wilson Clark Memorial Library we have here on campus.

So for the last 4 days, I didn't have the slightest idea about how to write the first blog installment of this month. There are just so many things I love about the library, I couldn't choose just one. But then! An opportunity presented itself. In this weeks edition of The Beacon, one of the staff writers wrote a wonderful article professing her love for our near and dear Library that almost made me cry. =D

As you may already know, my favorite place in the library is the second floor balcony facing the parking lot. When no one is in my spot, it is a nice place to enjoy green soccer fields and without the hustle and bustle of the main entrance. However, its not as quiet and eery as the basement. Another one of my favorite places is white table just adjacent to the main doors in the reference area. Although much more distracting then the second floor balcony, when sitting there I know I will have the table all to myself, with no one sitting too awkwardly closing, which allows me to work on my studies in peace.

So I ask you this, those of you who read The Balcony Beat,
what is your favorite place in the library?

And as I have said before, take advantage of this building. It has so much character, so much history, I would hate for it to go to waste.

Keepin it real from the.......second floor study carols overlooking the pilot house? Change of venue.


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