Awesome friends telling other awesome friends what is up in the Library, specifically, the second floor balcony facing the parking lot.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Hello New York Public Library...

...we meet again! :)

Hi Library Lovers! It's Tarra, and I'm back with library adventures at the New York Public Library! YAY! You know you're excited too! ;)

Since I completed one of my internships on Monday, I have time to get back to the job search in one of my favorite places - you guessed it, the library!  The library keeps me more focused when it comes to getting stuff done as well as provides the proper seating area and hard surface to set up my work station.  Yes Rick, as I mentioned before, these tables are good for dancing on! haha

Man...taking pictures in the library is kinda awkward. haha Definitely more comfortable when you're at the UP library!

ANYWAY, it's time to get some work done. The library closes at 8 p.m. EDT, which means it really closes at 7:45 p.m. What?!

Hope you have a great Wednesday! Happy Hump Day! Woot! ;)


  1. I wrote an awesome comment earlier today, but the wi-fi in Mehling failed. It's been SUPER slow this past week and it's so frustrating.

    Anyways, that's ridiculous the library closes at 8 pm, supposedly. That is so early! I don't know of any libraries that close that early. Ok, maybe the one in my hometown but there's only a handful of people who go there. I not being one of them, haha. I'm glad to see you post again! :)

  2. AWWW!! Darn wi-fi! My internet has been acting up too. Same problem - SUPER SLOW! What's up with that?!

    But anywho, yeah...I'm going to try to blog more (either here or on my own blog), but we'll see since I really need to concentrate on those job apps. Oh man, but hopefully it'll all pay off in the end. I mean it better, right!?
