I have lost all motivation to do anything related to biology, haha.

Well, guess what guys? Her wish has been granted! Meet Kati McConn :)

I tried to finish working, but I couldn't find any motivation to do any more work. Around that time Tarra came in she went up to the balcony, where I stayed down below her. I then moved up though because I felt like being on the balcony. Up in the balcony we took pictures with Kati & Ducey.
What do you think? Pretty huh? haha.

Around 11ish Tarra mentioned Munchie Madness and that they were having dirt cups. TALK ABOUT FLIPPIN' AWESOME!!! I'm talking Dirt Cups here guys!!! We ended up going there and I ate my first one there and then we managed to bring back a total of 7 dirt cups back [one of which was my second, haha].

While I ate my dirt cup I also gave clues to Tarra for something that needed clues :)
Around 11:46 Tarra and I realized we did not get a warning about how many minutes we had left until closing. I understand that we are regulars here, but we were around people that weren't necessarily regulars that needed to be told that they had 15 minutes left to go. Fail #2 on 15 minutes guy.
We think he's trying to ignore us.
But yeah, that was that. Tarra and I made a video of our walk home from the library, haha. I'll put that up sometime later when I'm not trying to do homework or study for finals.
PS. How attractive is Tarra? I'm pretty sure it's her good looks like this as to why the guys are all over her, haha.

Pretty sure that's why NO guys are all over me. Bahahaha Oh well.
ReplyDeleteOh and I'm pretty sure 15MG's friend was watching us too. FAIL on both for helping a patron out! Shoot. We could have been locked in that glass case for ages. A GLASS CASE OF EMOTION!! Bahahahaha!
ReplyDeleteAlso, fail on us for not getting a picture with 15MG. He hates us. I just know it. But he doesn't know we're probably the coolest library patrons ever! Madison can vouch for us. ;)
Oh, his friend was watching us too. Fail on them.
ReplyDeleteI wish the library gave out awards at the end of the year. I would sure hope we'd get the most frequent library goer award, haha.
I feel like an idiot. It took me this long to realize that you got "Glass Case of Emotion" from ANCHORMAN!!
ReplyDeleteUgh. Disappointed in myself right now :|
HAHAHAHA only a few months later....
ReplyDeletebut yes, it's from Anchorman! A very quotable movie.
You stay classy, Rick! ;)