But as I sat up here, I started to reminisce on this past semester and on the adventures that the library has brought Tarra and me.
I sit up here and see people I know walk through the doors and take a seat at the computers down below. Occasionally some of them will look in my direction and wave. Others will send a text message saying something along the lines of, "Hey I see you up there. Get to work"
It's funny how this all started. It's funny to see where this has all taken us. Not just Tarra and me, but the people that have been mentioned in the blog. Some of them follow, others just don't know we're writing about them [well maybe?].
Some people just come to the library to be in our blog. While others demand that we be in the library when they are (Hillary & Zack, to name a few). We've been fortunate enough to even celebrate birthdays in the library. Like Scott's, Jedidiah's, Tarra's, and even Megan's. Some people find it an odd way to interact with people in the library, but I've realized that it's a happening place to be, especially on a college campus like ours.
Through the midst of reminiscing, someone walked in and set off the security sensors ;)
As this semester is coming to an end, so will this blog. For those of you stumbling on this blog late, enjoy reading all the posts. If you're like Tarra or me, you'll find them funny.
Now go and study hard you guys! It's Dead Week and our lives will soon begin to feel hellish for realizing the amount of work that we've put off!
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