You know how I know that? Because I need to be doing homework right now too. Anyways, this is going to be a quick update.
Like Tarra said in the last blog, it's time to kick it into high gear and get work done son. Unfortunately, I don't know what happened in the library yesterday night because I was not here :( I was in Fields studying for a Biology test that I had today. I would so LOVE to tell you about retro viruses and inducible/repressible operons. But this blog is neither the time nor place to do so.
Back to library business, I came to the library on Sunday for about an hour and saw the original crew that is usually around (Scott & Caitlin). Amongst these usual goers though were two new characters to our story: Ian Hilger and Megan Kirchgasler. Sadly, I don't have any pictures with either of the two :(
I then left the library because I was SUPER tired, ha.

As I sit here, I can see Broom and Olberding. Most likely working on business stuff, or Facebook, ha.
That's all I've got for today folks!
Peace & Love :D