If you were me, or even Tarra in the library during these next few stressful weeks of school. In Tarra's case, the last few weeks of school here at UP, you'd be surprised at what goes on here in the library.
You'd think that the people would be more solemn, studious, and maybe even a little quieter. Besides the fact that we are all studious, students are still trying to find ways to not seem so stressful. Study groups that are occasionally laughing at a funny class-related joke. Those are always the best, haha.
Anyways, after a night of Biology, it's nice to just be able to write on the blog; especially since I don't write often ... (ha?)
I have two options of updating on past events, I can start from the past events this week to the present events or I can simply do the opposite of that. I'll choose option one!
From the last time that I wrote, I was talking about the dumb chub shelf, as Tarra refers to it. But since then obviously stuff has happened. For instance, not only is there a dumb shelf that no one likes, there is a computer that doesn't log you off.
On one account Tarra had been logged into the computer when she had updated a
blog and she wasn't logged out until later that night when we were here again.
COMPUTER FAIL. (I might be wrong on that blog link, but it was a blog she was updating).
On a personal account I had used the same printer without even thinking that it was the same computer that Tarra had used. On both accounts though, we went to Scott [he is the lab assistant anyways,. who better to ask?]
Shortly after that we had Easter weekend. I made no efforts to come near the library at all. I needed some good time away from the library. It was also closed, so I couldn't get in even if I wanted to get it, ha.

On a special occasion when Tarra and I were here at the library we got to take a picture of the "infamous puddle"
If you know what puddle I'm talking about, you are aware of how ridiculous this puddle is. It not only is in front of the library entrance, but it grows when there is more rain. Tarra and I have been meaning to blog about this puddle because of how many encounters we've had with it. More than once this semester - HECK more than 100 times this [that might be pushing it] semester have we stepped in that puddle.
It's one of those puddles that you think you'll avoid, but you don't. So many times have I had a wet sock walking back to Villa because of that damn puddle.
That night Tarra took the picture of the puddle was the day that it was just an ultimate down pour! That was also my encounter with the puddle before I even turned the corner to come into the library - it had grown past it's normal boundaries. It's as if this damn puddle is after Tarra and I!
I can now talk about Tuesday. Tuesday in the library was definitely a work day for Tarra and I.

First off, we didn't get out table we wanted because someone was sitting there (jerks). That is our table, haha.
I've never been so mad trying to sit at a table X)
But yesterday was definitely a work day. I worked on chemistry homework all last night. Luckily I was able to work on studying for my philosophy quiz earlier that day!
OH YEAH!! DUCEY WAS HERE IN THE LIBRARY - Just to say hi to us, haha.

Today was one hell of a day. People dancing in the middle of the library. People acting like they have swag [Andrew Hansen]. People working their butts off. More people who steal our tables. It's insane! In the midst of all of this though I've been able to work on some biology. Both for lecture and lab (augh. shoot me now).
Love you all. Hang in there guys! When I say that, I mean both with school and this blog :)