Awesome friends telling other awesome friends what is up in the Library, specifically, the second floor balcony facing the parking lot.

Monday, June 28, 2010



She's not a stranger to this blog since she has been included in several adventures over the past semester.  She works at the library, giving us the inside scoop of life as a library worker.  Because of this, she's the newest author to this blog dedicated to adventures at the UP library.  Seeing that Rick and I will be absent from the library for the duration of the summer, Madison will not because she was able to secure a position for the summer months.  She'll be remarking on any interest activity going on during the summer months. 

So please, continue to check out the blog over the summer because Madison will add a couple posts now and then! :D


  1. excited! what a twist on the blog!! ... well, not twist, but you know. change :)
