Awesome friends telling other awesome friends what is up in the Library, specifically, the second floor balcony facing the parking lot.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

What if...

there was a flash mob in the library?! hahaha Complete with music and dancing! would be pretty funny and awesome!! :D

Inspired by Glee:

Even if that doesn't happen, there is a flash mob happening in Portland on July 29th.  Contact Andrew Hansen if you're interested. :)

One more thing...I was also watching "Silent Library," but that Japanese-based game show wouldn't work at the UP library. It's already so loud, unless you're in the basement. could happen. Maybe...


  1. Man, I wish we had a flash mob happen in the library. Maybe we could sing about books! bahaha.

    Unfortunately, I won't be in Portland when the flash mob happens :(

    I was watching that show the other day actually. I think it could work ... if we were in the basement, haha.

  2. oh crap! the video is GONE! :(

  3. okay...found another video with the same clip! yay! :)

    i think it's backwards though. oh well. same idea.
